Friday, September 12, 2008

Elder D. has another new name. He's now known as "The Shoe Fairy", as he fixes all of the Sisters shoes. What a guy he is! How I love my Big Ed.

And the beat goes on. How THEY love my Big Ed Too, and his Big Hands, and love to measure still! It's never ending :)

Little Grandson Max turned ten on 9-8. Can you tell he loves money? What a wonderful happy boy he is. xoxoxo

I spend my Sat. & Sun. in the South Visitors Cntr. with the young sisters this transfer. What fun we have together. How I love them all.

What a wonderful reunion it is when returned missionaries "come home" to visit. We will go on a cruise together after the mission. Yeah! New for us!

Two wonderful new families that we've met from England and North Carolina that we never want to forget!

One can never get tired of the walk home with beautiful sights like these. What a priviledge to be here in the Garden of Eden.

What could be better than another little visit from our beloved Ku family from Lodi. We lOVE you Ku's! Thanks for stopping in.

In the blue shirt - middle, is Sister Marteen from Spain, and her family, as she departs home. Bill knew them on his Mission when she was 11 !! Cute !

More cute grandkids! New school year, and here's Hannah @16, and Derek @ 17 with little Phoebe the dog, and GMa Velda

Allison & Mom Ann Kerr from Lodi, gave a fantastic digital photography seminar at BYU in August. I learned so much, and was so glad to be there!

Bill's Family in August - Josh 6 now, loves little Eddie, and creative Jade and her art work.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

News of June and July - mosly in pictures :)

Hello Dear Family and Friends:
I think you can tell by looking, that June and July were fantastic, fun, and wonderful months for us on Temple Square. Always lots of wonderful things going on here. We have enjoyed the summer months so much, and still have several to look forward too, as well as lots of more fun activities. On Saturday night, the Osmond Family will appear with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and we are looking forward to that.
Many sisters that we love and adore, have gone home, having completed their missions here, and are now off to the next phase of their lives. Also many special senior couples have left us too, breaking our hearts. We will all keep in touch as best as we can.
The highlight of our summer was a visit from all of our children, as you can tell by the pictures. What a wonderful brief, but loving visit we all had, and knit our hearts even closer together.
Our love and best wishes to all of you, and may Heavenly Father's Choicest Blessings be with you ALL always. Much Love, Elder and Sister Danielson

Sunny and Roger from Santa Monica whom we met here last year, came and were sealed in the SL Temple on the 20th! Congratulations!!!

Some of our most faithful visitors from Lodi - the Broughton Bunch! Thank you for always stopping to see us! We love visitors.

Aloha! It's getting close to time to go home when you start repeating yearly activities. This years LUAU was even better than the last!
